Over the decades, the conception of business values ​​have adapted to social changes. A company cannot live behind the back of the society in which it operates. What are the values ​​of a 21st century company that most influence the achievement of its objectives?

1. Transparency

In information societies, that organizations act with transparency is vital. It is required not only externally but above all internally.

With regard to society, it makes it a participant in business activity, although it also makes it more accessible in the face of criticism. As for the internal organization, it is one of the most effective strategies to achieve the involvement and commitment of the talent hired, as long as the company is governed by principles of equity.

2. Sustainability and Responsibility

The companies committed to 100% and in its entirety to sustainability and social responsibility are more interesting for consumers who value those projects that are in implementation and respectful approach to the environment and committed to the society in which they operate .

3. Labor flexibility

The flexitime, teleworking, the journey continues or facilities for family reconciliation are some of the measures most valued by a professional talent to decide on one company or another if you have the opportunity to decide.

Likewise, those companies that value diversity in work groups and teamwork, especially if they are international, are more attractive.

4. Leadership

One of the most powerful values ​​that any organization can develop, regardless of the size of its company, is leadership in any of the legs of the sector or society in which it impacts. Being considered as leaders has an immense projection as positioning, while generating synergies with other projects and loyalty to talent.

In this sense, the search for excellence will also be another of the company values ​​most sought after by new professionals and market operators.

5. Innovation

Although it is difficult to implement innovation in smaller companies or in times of crisis, any organization can foster the creativity and talent of its staff and focus it on small innovations both for the sector, society or internally that help achieve full involvement of all areas.

For this, a culture that encourages teamwork and personal development are key. Diversity is also creating work teams that offer different judgments to the same problems, investigate them, and find innovative solutions.

6. Security

The safety and maximum working for any organization generates confidence in all stakeholders, from customers to suppliers, and of course for the organization. An adequate occupational risk prevention policy results in great quantitative and qualitative advantages.

7. Simplicity and effectiveness

Simplicity is a rising value perceived by both the employee and the customer. Minimalism with a commitment to quality is seen as a highly appreciated value for the consumer insofar as it shows that the company optimizes processes and performance, and it is not an organization that prioritizes the superfluous over the practical.